What Do Industrial Electricians Do?

Powering industry—explore the role of industrial electricians.

One of our busiest departments at Prairie Electric is our industrial Division. We work with established brands like Resers, building electrical systems that allow large facilities to run optimally.

An electrician working on an industrial electric project in Portland OR

In addition, our industrial electricians specialize in testing, repair, and maintenance of electrical systems in plants, factories and other types of industrial settings. Our industrial electricians are in high demand due to the large number of businesses that depend on the proper installation and functioning of electrical equipment.

Education Requirements

Let there be no doubt: electricians perform complex work. If you’re interested in entering this field, you’ll need specific knowledge and training. While still in high school, prospective electricians should complete basic math and science courses. After graduating high school, candidates enter an apprenticeship program.

As an apprentice, individuals complete 9000 hours of on-the-job training, practicing skills and working under the supervision of other licensed electricians. An apprenticeship could also include classroom study, either at work or at a community college or trade school. After completing the required hours of work, trainees would take a licensing exam that qualifies them to work as journeyman electricians. Working electricians may choose to continue their education by keeping up-to-date on technology and manufacturing trends.

Nature of an Industrial Electrician’s Work

Typical industrial electrician duties include repairing and maintaining large electrical equipment or installing and testing new systems. Electricians need to understand blueprints and diagrams that show circuits and wiring and will need to gain proficiency in a wide variety of diagnostic tools.

Industrial electricians often work in physically challenging environments. Electricians frequently have to crawl into tight places, climb on machines or work in dark conditions. They may be required to work outside in all types of weather. To excel at the job, our team members remain physically strong, healthy and flexible.

Electricians often have a fixed schedule, but sometimes are required to do shift work or to be on call. Because equipment may need to be repaired at any hour, our staff is prepared to come back to the job site if any emergencies occur.


Job Prospects

Prairie Electric is hiring! If you choose to become an industrial electrician, you could potentially land in a job that’s interesting, steady and pays a competitive wage. We encourage our team members to find their niches at our company, so if you’re interested in industrial work, prepare for a variety of options within your chosen field.

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