Power Went Out In Whole House

So the power went out in the whole house? It can happen at a moment’s notice: The power goes off and suddenly everything is quiet and dark. What should you do when you have lost power and want to restore power to the home? Check fuse boxes or circuit breakers? Hit the reset button on…

So the power went out in the whole house? It can happen at a moment’s notice: The power goes off and suddenly everything is quiet and dark.

What should you do when you have lost power and want to restore power to the home? Check fuse boxes or circuit breakers? Hit the reset button on your home’s electrical outlets? Is something short-circuiting? Is it the power lines in your neighborhood or just the electrical system in your home?

Heat waves and cold snaps can affect power delivery systemwide. Unless you have a backup generator, you’ll be in the dark, and your cell phones will be useless once their batteries run out.

We always recommend that homeowners call an electrician to check on electrical service. However, from time to time, people can examine the issue themselves. They need to be equipped with some information first, however.

Here’s what you should do if the power goes out in your home.

#1: Determine what type of outage it is.

Sometimes power outages are specific to your home only. This could be caused by a problem with your electrical panel.

To check, see if you have a tripped breaker on the main electric panel. Fuses will keep circuits in the home from overheating which could cause a fire or damage your appliances or other devices in the home.

If you suspect a problem with your electrical panel, call our team of experienced electricians right away. This is not a task you want to attempt to fix yourself.

If you don’t have any tripped breakers, you can assume that it is a problem that has impacted other homes and businesses in the area. Check to see if other houses or buildings in the area are dark, and see if the streetlights are out, too.

#2: Call the local utility company.

Depending on your utility company, there is probably a specific phone number to report a local outage. If you have a power outage in the area, call this number to report it right away so they are aware and can send a team to get things up and running again.

#3: Unplug expensive devices first.

A power surge can damage equipment in your home like televisions, computers, and other large appliances. So, to avoid this, unplug those devices so when the power returns, there aren’t any hazards.

#5: Protect your food.

While your power is out, protect your perishable food by keeping the freezer and refrigerator doors closed. Opening the doors allows cool air to escape, which could cause the food to go bad quickly. If the outage goes on longer than four hours, you should start packing items in a cooler to keep them cold.

#6: Stay safe and comfortable.

If you have family members that are at risk of experiencing health issues when put in extreme cold or heat conditions, have a plan. Maybe that means staying in a hotel for the night, hanging out in the cool basement during a warm summer day, or going out to run errands in a place that is at a comfortable temperature. Be sure to have plenty of blankets, flashlights, and water available, too.

If you have an electrical issue with your home or business, our team at Prairie Electric can help!

Call us today for an appointment.

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