When to Rewire Your House

7 red flags to watch for in your home

Owning a home comes with its fair share of maintenance tasks, and if you live in an older house, electrical issues are likely to pop up at some point. But how do you know when it’s time to rewire your house?

Why You Might Need to Rewire

Old wiring can be a real problem. It’s not just about flickering lights or a circuit breaker that trips every now and then—though those are signs to watch for. The real concern is safety. Did you know that around 46,000 building fires in the U.S. each year are caused by electrical issues? That’s a huge number, and it mostly happens in homes.

Older wiring systems just weren’t built for the demands of modern life. Think about all the gadgets we use now that didn’t exist when your house was built. More power means more strain on the system, and that can lead to serious problems, including fires.

Signs It’s Time to Rewire

So, how do you know if your house needs rewiring? Here are some clear signs:

  1. Your House is Over 50 Years Old: If your home hasn’t had an electrical inspection in the last 40 to 50 years, it’s overdue. Homes built before the 1970s often have aluminum wiring, which can lead to increased fire risk compared to copper wiring used today.
  2. Frequent Power Outages or Tripped Breakers: If your circuit breaker is constantly tripping, it’s a sign that your system can’t handle the load. This is a major red flag that you might need to upgrade your wiring.
  3. Flickering or Dimming Lights: When lights flicker or dim when you turn on certain appliances, it’s a signal that your wiring could be outdated or faulty.
  4. Burning Smell or Discolored Outlets: A burning smell or outlets that are hot to the touch are signs of overheating—something you definitely don’t want to ignore.
  5. Electric Shocks: Even a mild shock when plugging in a device is a sign that something’s wrong with your wiring.
  6. Arcs, Sparks, and Buzzing Sounds: If you see sparks when plugging in devices or hear buzzing from your outlets or switches, it’s time to call in a professional.
  7. Major Home Renovations: Planning a big renovation anyway? That’s the perfect time to consider rewiring. New appliances and added rooms can put extra strain on an already outdated system.

Why Rewiring is Worth It

Rewiring your home is more than just a safety measure—it can also increase the value of your property. Buyers are more likely to be interested in a home with modern, safe wiring. Plus, a new electrical system is more efficient, which means lower energy bills and fewer burnt-out bulbs. It’s well worth the cost to rewire to ensure safety.

When to Call a Pro

Rewiring your home is a big job, and it’s not something you should take on yourself. A licensed electrician can assess your current system, point out any potential hazards, and let you know if rewiring is necessary. They’ll make sure everything is up to code and safe.

It might seem like a big expense, but the peace of mind you’ll get from knowing your home is safe is priceless. If any of the signs mentioned above sound familiar, or if your house hasn’t had an electrical check-up in a while, it’s time to bring in an expert. If you are concerned that your home may need electrical rewiring, or you have any other electrical concerns, contact Prairie Electric.

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